Wednesday, August 20, 2008
baby sister
I can still blog, provided i dont type too "violently" on the keyboard. Demure and gentle is the way.
Oh my baby sister... I think by now most people know I have a baby sister who is 9 years younger and still in sec 2. Oh yes, the baby in the family and she is lucky to have an elder sister and elder brother who are ever so protective of her. But i dont know why i keep stumbling onto her "love messages", really unintentionally. Oh god.
Once, I was using her computer and her msn was on. Then a guy S messaged her "hie darling..." I was like opps. Haha. She even indicated her relationship status as "in a relationship" on friendster and her msn nick sounds so "fishy" and "in love". All right I closed one eye.
On another occasion, while my mum and I were on the way out from home, we saw baby sister and another guy strolling in the rain, walking home from school. Madness... the rain was quite heavy and the 2 kids actually walked quite a distance from school back home, without an umbrella and very drenched. And when baby sister saw my mum, the first sentence she exclaimed," He's not my bf!". Tsk tsk tsk... I was laughing at the corner but I closed one eye again.
Just now, as usual, baby sister returned home late from school due to her cca commitments. Mum got worried and asked me to call her friends on her mobile which she has left it at home. When I switched on the phone, a few seconds later, one message received, send by a guy D. I read the message that said " Hey darling, I have reached home. *muackz* I love euu. Message me when you reach home k?" Tsk tsk tsk... and I dont mean to read her message lah.
I cant help worrying but I dont think she will like me to know about her "love affairs". And even if i want to question her about it, I dont know how to approach her (generation gap? lol). I just hope she will not betray my mum's trust in her... and if you were me, how would u react?
Kao... I sound like a lousy sister. lol.
Labels: Sister
^momo^ @ 10:24 PM