Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas To Everyone!

Merry Christmas to all my dearest friends!

It's a time of gathering and catching up with one another, with people you have not meet for ages. Although Christmas mood is not so strong this year and with the lesser gift exchanges (at least for me), I still enjoy the gatherings that I have been attending. :) It's the excellent company!

Shall blog about the gatherings later!

^momo^ @ 12:56 AM 0 comments (create) - (View)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Weekend @ Southern Ridges

Spend my Saturday morning with my 2 dear pals, xiao Jiamin and da Jiamin (Collectively known as "the Jiamins") at the Southern Ridges. Xiao Jiamin got a scolding from me for wearing the wrong attire for the walk. She was in jeans and ballet flats... for god sake. Geared up in her most "touristy" attire - Sunglasses and hat, perhaps just lacking a camera that hangs round her neck to complete the look.

We started off by climbing a neverending flight of stairs at the Marang Trail. While people who passed us were heading down the stairs and we were going upwards, da Jiamin and me were wondering if we have started at the correct place. Despite the fact that da Jiamin and me were both "Alishan-trained", this Marang Trail was enough to kill us. 

But the journey up there was made easy by all those nonsensical jokes that we made. Finally we have reached Mt Faber Park! Nice scenery, love the breeze... However, I still love the night scenery at Mt Faber Park. :)

Reminiscing the cable car rides we had many years ago... 

Next up to Henderson Waves. Thanks to NParks signboard and inconsistency with their direction marking on the floor. We made a big round before we made it to Henderson Waves. And we should have listen to the uncle's advice.

Henderson Waves links Mt Faber to Telok Blangah Hill. And next up... the forest walk and the hilltop walk.

After a 2.4 km stroll along the hilltop walk, we arrived at the Alexandra Arch and crossed over to the HortPark, which was the final stop of the day.

At the HortPark, we had a surprise awaiting for us. A surprise we all l-o-v-e so much that we actually RAN towards it. Guess what is it?

Our Favourite Milo Truck! Dont we all love the Milo from the Milo Truck during all those sports days in school? :P

We had our fill of chilled milo and I couldnt remember how much I drank. I was so full that I just forgo my lunch. Shiokness...

We all concluded that the best part of Southern Ridges walk... is indeed the Milo from Milo Truck. lol.

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^momo^ @ 10:24 PM 0 comments (create) - (View)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Favourite Activity These Days

My Favourite activity these days, other than shopping, is to...

read my baby sister's blog. :)

She hasnt being very clever at keeping her a blog a secret from me. And her blog contained way too much secrets and her thoughts that would very much hurt my mum if she ever knew what the hell my dear sis has been doing behind our backs. Yes yes... it's really nothing shameful. Not a great deal to have a boyfriend at her age (she's 14 btw). In my mum's eyes, she's just a very obedient and innocent girl who enjoys playing maple, audition and other games online. And would never DARE to date behind her back. lol. How wrong to think that being staying at home most of the time would mean no bf. Ta-dah! The bf is in the same class as her! Super convenient! She can date in school or after school with CCA as excuse.

I, as the big sister, did not object her to having a boyfriend. Reading her blog about her 11 month old relationship is rather interesting but give me plenty of goosebumps from all her "i love euu veri much" messages. As long as her grades are okay and that guy didnt bully her in anyway, i will not interfere or reveal her secret. (if not there isnt anything interesting to read from her blog anymore. :P) tsk tsk tsk...

Me is a good sister. :)


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