Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Just Some (Boring) Updates
I have to blog something in case people think I am dead, together with my blog. :)I am still jobless and I am gonna be the last one to get a job. How exciting. And thanks for the consolation, my friends. But you will never ever understand how it feels like or rather how i feel. It's very tiring to rest too much. Ironically, people who started early are feeling tired and wanted to rest. So no work also die, got work also die. I rather work cos' i need some self-confidence back, i want a life, i need moolahs to go for retail therapy, i need a career to ignite my ideals.I am feeling so downright depressing and I hope to be left alone. When I am angry, upset, I like to be left alone. In other words, I disappear. So it's better that I keep myself calm and quiet, rather than I get emo and slashed at you furiously? Including those who like to moan to me, better not do that to me now cos thats no point in doing so and if you still want to moan, strongly encourage to have a blog where you can express yourself almost freely (no-no for anti-gahmen and racist remarks). Now you know Momo can be such an anti-social freak who does not like to be consoled.The only hopeful thing is going for interviews. But I need a real hope, which means moving on to 2nd interview. Everything stops at 1st interview mean uncertainty. Therefore, there's no need to go for too many interviews (like me). I have already rejected 2 interviews b'cos I simply do not want to waste time. I only go for interviews which can offer me jobs that I know I want and I can do well. It makes me more decisive on what I want. So hopefully there's calls for 2nd interview soon for S soon and I wont screw it up like what I did with EM (That was a severe mistake that led to my downfall.) As for tmr, I am having my 2nd interview for a gahmen stat board position. Hope they wont ask tough questions ( I hate those scenarios kind of question. How do you resolve conflict? and blah blah...).Momo! You have to be confident! Crap your ass off. (See.. no jobs=Lonely=talking to yourself more often=near insanity)Sometime I really wonder, is choosing what you like equate to being fussy? My mum thinks I am fussy, the fortune-teller thinks I am fussy (and a predicted ambitious career woman). My definition of a good job is where I can learn something valuable out of it and it's a job that I will take w/o having to think twice about accepting it, of cos best if it comes with good pay, good career progression and near home. It's the experience and skills you picked up at work that is going to bring you far and beyond. Now, I want to be fussy also cannot. Haha.And thanks ST for the headline news a few days back about the job market slowing down and not so rosy anymore. That's like rubbing salt on my wound. I think ST is really slow. Sg's media.. tsk tsk tsk. (Thats why i rejected SPH interview.) 'Nuff say about jobs and my gibberish, cynical nonsense... hell of sickening topic. Can you imagine that will be the most talked about topic in your next 40 years to come other than talking about your husband and children (if any)? Lol.The only good news now is Sky is back from J-land after 1.5 months. Thanks to all my friends for your well-wishes! He is okay now but the road to recovery is still long. He came back yesterday slightly past midnight. Thanks dearie for bringing me many gifts and stuffs I have requested him to buy over there in J-land, especially so many Kose products. :) But the greatest and best gift.... is himself.Wish me luck for tmr and hope that i find something i like soon. I will blog again soon to update soon n hopefully the next time i blog, i am telling you that i finally find something i love!
Labels: Jobs, random, updates, woes
^momo^ @ 3:38 PM