Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Favourite Activity These Days

My Favourite activity these days, other than shopping, is to...

read my baby sister's blog. :)

She hasnt being very clever at keeping her a blog a secret from me. And her blog contained way too much secrets and her thoughts that would very much hurt my mum if she ever knew what the hell my dear sis has been doing behind our backs. Yes yes... it's really nothing shameful. Not a great deal to have a boyfriend at her age (she's 14 btw). In my mum's eyes, she's just a very obedient and innocent girl who enjoys playing maple, audition and other games online. And would never DARE to date behind her back. lol. How wrong to think that being staying at home most of the time would mean no bf. Ta-dah! The bf is in the same class as her! Super convenient! She can date in school or after school with CCA as excuse.

I, as the big sister, did not object her to having a boyfriend. Reading her blog about her 11 month old relationship is rather interesting but give me plenty of goosebumps from all her "i love euu veri much" messages. As long as her grades are okay and that guy didnt bully her in anyway, i will not interfere or reveal her secret. (if not there isnt anything interesting to read from her blog anymore. :P) tsk tsk tsk...

Me is a good sister. :)


^momo^ @ 12:15 AM