Thursday, January 8, 2009
Happy yesterday, Sad today
I am uber upset today. To think that it was my birthday yesterday, I ought to be still feeling happy. Received 2 bad news today.
One was I developed cornea ulcer, the onset of cornea infection due to contact lens. And the suay-est thing is i just changed to my new contact lens yesterday! And changed from a lousy brand monthly disposable to a good reputable brand biweekly disposable just recently!!! My left eye has been swollen, red and tearing since yesterday night. How i wish it was as simple as just a sore eye. Bad. I have to apply eye drop every 2 hours, eye gel every 3 hours and ointment overnight. No contacts for 2 weeks and i have to visit my doc every 3 days. Sian. What to do. I have better take good care of my eye for these 2 weeks. I really have to give a serious thought to Lasik surgery.
Second bad new is that my grandma was hospitalised in the ICU for stroke. She was running a fever and yet my uncle did not discover. In the end, she went short of breathe and one of my uncle has to call my brother to call the ambulance. It's like how fucking retarded is that? My uncle told my brother he has to rush to pick up my cousin, a 8 yr old brat from school. Is like... hello?! Firstly, who is more important and which is more urgent? And please, with an old folk at home, dont u know the emergency number to call? Argh. It's super frustrating.
Pray hard that my grandma will survive these tough times. *pray hard*
Labels: Sad
^momo^ @ 11:10 PM