Monday, February 23, 2009
Pissed. Super.
I am very pissed these days. So pissed that I cant sleep, so pissed that I have to swear at least once a day and so pissed that I have to complained. Even Sky didnt make me that pissed before. I am very fucking pissed off.
Who could have pissed me off so much?
It's my fucking 2 aunties. I called them the evil twin or carrots sister (carrot because one of them, the more evil one, has permed her hair till it's like the "bushy" part of carrot).
This red carrot (I repeat.. the more evil one) has been going to the hospital every single day ever since my grandma is hospitalised. By right, we ought to thank this "kindest greatest soul" for "taking care" of my grandma. Since she is not working or running her stall (her market is renovating) while the rest of us, including my uncles and dad, are working, it's only right for her to visit her mother. But then again, we didnt ask her to come visit every single day.
Apparently, it was discovered that she is not doing all these out of pure kindness, but eyeing on the large amount of savings that my grandma has scrimped and saved over the years. And she has been going around telling people in the hospital that she has been so filial and claiming credits for herself. Of course, at the same time, she has been discrediting her brothers for not taking the responsibility and speaking ill of us behind our backs. Such a bitch.
Secretly, she began pressuring my father to release the money in my grandma's joint account with my father to split up the money. And that was even when my grandma is still recovering well. But thankfully my dad wasnt that sort that let people climb over his head and didnt accede to her unreasonable demands. Such a bloody bitch.
Now, this red carrot has been complaining of how tired she was taking care of my grandma especially my grandma hasnt been very happy with her. My grandma has been giving her sour face because of carrot's constant and relentless nagging. Just heard from the neighbouring patients that this mad carrot has been hurling insults and scolding my grandma while we were not around. So, is that the way how a daughter should treat her mother? I absolutely do not think that she is setting the right example as the eldest aunt. Seems like she has not been practising all those Buddha teachings that she has been preaching.
The last straw came on last Sunday. She, right in front of me and my sister, scolded my grandma "wu yao ke jiu" just because my grandma refused to smile at her. This was really making me super angry that I gave her a super pissed glare. FUCKING DAMN BITCH. How dare she scold my grandma!
We never ask or request her to come take care of my grandma every single day. She was not forced by anyone in the family. Most importantly, my grandma do not need constant attention and us staying vigil by her side. If she is so unwilling, she can choose not to come. It's just as simple as that. If she really has the heart to take care of her mother, she should not even complain. Also, my grandma has not grown senile and she understands what we said. The carrot has been repeating over and over again, harping over the same thing over and over again. She is so irritating that even my grandma finds her a super eyesore now. And she should FUCKING get it clear that the sons are not shirking responsibilities but they are all working. Plus, my eldest uncle and my dad do come during weekend to visit. Not everyone is FUCKING rich like her. Everyone has to work and not everyone is like her - she owned a vegetarian stall (ex-chicken rice stall) at Tekka. Anyway, her food tasted awful, very awful and that is not my biased judgment.
I myself has to travel from the east to west in 1.5 hrs on alternate days after work to visit my grandma but I have never complained that I am tired. And my family didn't even want to or think about taking a single cent from my grandma because the money is hers and up to her who she wants to give them to. And is still rightfully hers till the day she departs.
She better stop putting up her 臭架子 as eldest aunt and poking her nose into every single matter. She do not deserve any respect from me since she has no respect for my grandma and everyone else. She can go ahead to say that I am disrespectful and rude (only to her). As if I FUCKING care what she said. I will continue to maintain my attitude towards her and will piss her more often in the future.
I repeat.. I would not care what she said about me because she simply do not deserve any respect from me. Anyway, this is only part of the story. She has said too many shameless things that it's too long to list.
I hope retribution falls on the carrot for doing this to my grandma. I believe in karma.
May God Bless My Grandma.
Labels: Pissed
^momo^ @ 11:43 PM