Friday, November 28, 2008
The Singaporean lady, Ms Lo Hwei Yen, who was held hostage in Mumbai terror attack was found dead. I was shocked to hear the news yesterday, thinking that she could be able to return home safely and unharmed. It was really unfortunate to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Although westerners and Jewish were the main target for the attack, many innocent lives were lost in the tragedy and those senseless terrorism act killed indiscriminately. The war against terrorism is going to be never ending. Uprooting one generation of terrorists would only mean a new generation of terrorists.
May the victims in the attack, including Ms Lo Hwei Yen, rest in peace. And the terrorists... burnt in hell.
Labels: News, Terrorism
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The 8 Phases of Dating

Came across this long ago but still find it very funny (and true). Which one are u and your other half at now? Check out the rest of the phases here and LOL.
Labels: laugh
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hair Woes
Argh!!! My hairstylist hopped to another salon again. Everytime he hops, the price will hop as well. This time round, he has moved on to a even more expensive salon and the trim alone costs 100 + bucks. *heartache* Maybe it's really time to change hairstylist. But my current hairstylist is really damn good and understands my hair so well that I entrust every single strand of my hair without question. (only request is not to give me bangs and cut too short.)
I am always having issues with my hair, particularly my wavy fringe. To me, your hair either break or made your look, so I do not really mind paying a bit more doing up my hair. New hairstyle really rejuvenate me...I particularly love my short hair now.
Sigh. It's distressing enough to think of where to find a good stylist to maintain my cut. :( I was thinking going to Shunji Matsuo/ICON. Anyone with any recommendation?
Labels: Hair